If you’ve got a multi-monitor system you might find that some programs do the job of saving and restoring their own window positions almost too well. Disconnect your second monitor and you might suddenly find that your favorite program is marooned off-screen, with no obvious way of getting it back on to your main monitor. Fortunately PTFB Pro’s Window Restore macro can help in these situations:
- Create a new Window Restore item
- On the first page of the resulting Wizard, select the errant window in the list and hit Next
- In most cases you can probably skip past the title matching options by hitting Next again
- Now you’re on the Actions page, and this is where you get to force the window back on screen! Tick “Restore Position” and set both the X & Y coords to zero. Optionally you can also resize the window and/or set it to be maximized on your main monitor. Click Next when you’re done, and Finish on the final page.
Now all you have to do is hit Start Watching and suddenly your missing window will forced back on screen. If you’re confident that the program in question has now stored its new position, you can disable or even delete the Window Restore item you just created. Job done!
Find out more about automating your workflow with Macros.
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